
IN303775: Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) from methanol and urea in presence of stripping with inert gas

The invention relates to synthesis of Methyl Carbamate (MC) and Dimethyl Carabonate (DMC) in presence of stripping inert gas or superheated methanol vapors using packed column reactor and bubble column reactor.

Filing Date: 09-11-2012

Issue Date: 30-11-2018

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN303775

Application No: 3490/DEL/2012

Inventor(s): Vivek; Vinayak Ranade; Ashutosh; Anant Kelkar; Vilas; Hari Rane; Anil; Kisan Kinage; Savita; Kiran Shingote; Lalita; Sanjib Roy

IPC Classification: C07C

Country: India

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