
IN317116: Resorcinol bound transition metal-polypyridyl complexes

The invention relates to resorcinol bound transition metal-pyridyl ligand complexes of Formula-I and Formula-I1 for dye-sensitized solar applications and process for preparation thereof wherein, 'M' is transition metal selected from the group consisting of Ruthenium (11) and Osmium (11). Further, the invention provides resorcinol bound transition metal pyridyl complexes of Formula-I and Formula-I1 covalently bound to nano-TiO2 surface.

Filing Date: 14-01-2023

Issue Date: 19-07-2030

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN317116

Application No: 0212DEL2014

Inventor(s): Amitava Das; Hirendra Nath Ghosh; Tanmay Banerjee

IPC Classification: CO7D

Country: India

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