
IN317716: A process for carbon dioxide reforming of methane to syngas over ni-mgo-zno

The invention provides a process and catalyst for the production of synthesis gas (a mixture of CO and H2) by reforming of methane with carbon dioxide. The process provides a direct single step selective vapor phase dry reforming of methane with carbon dioxide to produce synthesis gas over Ni-MgO-ZnO catalyst between temperature range of 600°C to 800°c at 1 atmospheric pressure. The process provides a methane conversion of 5-95% with H2 to CO mole ratio of 0.83-1.2.

Filing Date: 02-09-2014

Issue Date: 06-08-2019

Applicant: Bal Rajaram, Singha Rajib Kumar, Pendem Chandrashekar, Konathala Laxmi Narayan Sivakumar, Bordoloi Ankur, Saran Sandeep

Patent No: IN317716

Application No: 2508DEL2014

IPC Classification: C01B-31/00

Country: India

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