
IN318798: A novel writing aid

The invention provides a novel writing aid which is directed to the infirm who find writing difficult, including senior citizens afflicted with any disease or injury limiting their ability to write, or those having physical impairment specifically that of the digits of the hand involved in writing process, or those who have either lost any of the digits of hand including thumb or have them missing, or the professionals and students whose writing for a long period of time results in fatigue of the digits and hand, and the likes. The present invention comprises of a base that allows one of the fingers of the wearer to rest and two sets of three rings each attached onto it for securing the finger and the writing implement, respectively. It has a base and replaceable rings that can be replaced according to the size of the wearer"s finger and the writing implement used.

Filing Date: 25-09-2009

Issue Date: 22-08-2019

Applicant: CSIR-SGA

Patent No: IN318798

Application No: 2026DEL2009

Inventor(s): Neha Lalit Sharma

IPC Classification: B43K 21/00

Country: India

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