
IN323612: Therapeutic peptides

The invention provides peptides which specifically react with B-subunit of Plasmodium falciparum vacuolar-H+ATPase (V-H+ATPase). The peptides were identified by panning phage display peptide libraries with recombinant B subunit of P.falciparum V-H+ ATPase. The selected phages specifically react with P.falciparum infected cells and corresponding free peptides inhibit parasite growth in vitro. The identified peptides can be used for therapy of malaria and other diseases caused by pathogens expressing B subunit of V-H+ ATPase.

Filing Date: 05-09-2011

Issue Date: 24-10-2019

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMT), Chandigarh

Patent No: IN323612

Application No: 2544DEL2011

Inventor(s): Grish C Varshney; Kaliannan Ganesan; Ashu Shah; Shailendra K Gautam; Rakesh Bhatia

IPC Classification: C12M

Country: India

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