
IN329151: A sensor composition for acetone detection in breath

The invention provides an improved sensor composition for acetone detection in breath for diabetic diagnostics and the process of preparation thereof. The sensor is selective to low concentrations of acetone, the breath biomarker of diabetes, in presence of a high amount of moisture normally present in breath. Such semiconductor sensors for diabetes monitoring are inexpensive, rugged, patient-friendly and on the top, non-invasive.

Filing Date: 30-04-2012

Issue Date: 31-08-2016

Applicant: CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR-CGCRI), Kolkata

Patent No: IN329151

Application No: 1313/DEL/2012

Inventor(s): Sen Amarnath; Rana Subhasis

IPC Classification: G01N

Country: India

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