
IN339678: Single step process for conversion of cellulose to levulinic acid

The patent discloses a single-step hydrothermal process for the conversion of cellulose to industrially important levulinic acid and other commercially important compounds using zirconia as a catalyst without using any reactive gas. Further, it provides a continuous hydrothermal process for the conversion of cellulose to industrially important levulinic acid and other commercially important compounds using zirconia as a catalyst without using any reactive gas.

Filing Date: 30-10-2012

Issue Date: 29-06-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN339678

Application No: 3343/DEL/2012

Inventor(s): Joshi, Sunil Shankar; Kulkarni, Bhaskar Dattatraya; Pandare, Kiran Vitthalrao; Zodge, Amit Dadabhau

IPC Classification: C07C

Country: India

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