
IN340077: A method for preparation of polymeric micro/nano particles encapsulated with external molecules

The invention provides a simple, low cost methodology to prepare polymeric micro/nano particles (size 0.5-2.0 µm) with high  loading ability of externally added molecules such as fluorescent markers (dye), drug molecules, imaging agents, enzymes, catalysts  that can be used as potential diagnostics, in drug delivery and other biomedical applications, in paint industry, cosmetics industry,  food processing and fertiliser industry. This is an efficient method where loss of expensive external molecules during encapsulation may be prevented. Moreover, this method can be safely used for the encapsulation of heat sensitive external molecules.

Filing Date: 22-12-2015

Issue Date: 01-07-2020

Applicant: CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CMERI), Durgapur

Patent No: IN340077

Application No: 4217DEL2015

Inventor(s): Nripen Chanda, Abhiram Hens, Nagahanumaiah, Kuldeep Mahato, Anand Kumar

IPC Classification: C07K 17/00

Country: India

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