
IN340582: A process for reducing the electrical resistivity of naturally-occurring ilmenite

The invention provides a process for reducing the electrical resistivity of naturally occurring llmenite. The product obtained by the process of the invention is useful as cathode in the production of Titanium by deoxygenation route and for producing varistors. The invention utilizes llmenite and provides for the addition of titanium dioxide and carbon to the ore followed by at appropriate temperatures to enhance the electrical conductivity of llmenite.

Filing Date: 20-07-2010

Issue Date: 06-07-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jharkhand

Patent No: IN340582

Application No: 1690DEL2010

Inventor(s): Gudimella Venkata Satyanarayana Murthy, Pathak Lokesh Chandra, Mehrotra Surya Pratap, Srinivasan Ranganathan, Godiwalla Kersi Minoo

IPC Classification: C22B

Country: India

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