
IN341833: A process for the preparation of ceramic compositions with enhanced mullite content

Mullite is an important phase in several ceramic articles such as in triaxial composition, but the formation of mullite during processing is limited to a certain extent due to thermodynamic reasons. The invention, mullite formation during firing is catalyzed by a novel process that not only leads to in-situ formation of mullite in the ceramic systems but also enhances mullite content in the range of 2 to 4% more than the conventional processes. Additionally, the invention discloses a process which requires a lower temperature for the preparation of ceramic articles and therefore is a cost effective process.

Filing Date: 28-10-2015

Issue Date: 17-07-2020

Applicant: CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (CSIR-CGCRI), Kolkata

Patent No: IN341833

Application No: 3498DEL2015

Inventor(s): Dana Kausik, Mukhopadhyay Kumar Tapas, Ganguly Saheli, Sarkar Madhuchhanda, Ghatak Sankar

IPC Classification: C04B 35/628

Country: India

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