
IN343280: Surfactant-free interfacial polymerization of PEDOT through simple roll coating

The invention discloses a highly conducting Polyethylenedioxythiphene (PEDOT) flexible paper with a very low sheet resistance and high conductivity and process for preparation thereof, by inducing the polymerization at the interface of two immiscible liquids on a cellulose paper to trigger PEDOT growth along the fibers of the cellulose paper. The invention discloses the use of the said conducting paper for the preparation of flexible supercapacitor and for the preparation of counter electrode in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC).

Filing Date: 23-12-2014

Issue Date: 04-08-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN343280

Application No: 3863DEL2014

Inventor(s): Sreekumar Kurungot; Bihag Anothumakkool

IPC Classification: B05D5/12

Country: India

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