
IN346128: A method for production of potash enriched biochar from waste biomass

The invention discloses a for the production of potash enriched biochar. A potassium rich waste biomass preferably banana peduncle undergoes thermal treatment in an extended arc plasma reactor for fixed period of time to produce potash enriched biochar. The potash rich biochar was produced in such a manner that lead to the significant enrichment of available potassium for supporting soil fertility. Laboratory grade plasma forming gases such as argon, ammonia and oxygen are used in the reactor. The prepared potash enriched biochar are porous, alkaline in nature and mainly comprises of kalicinite (KHCO3) mineral and disordered graphitic structure. Kalicinite mineral in potash enriched biochar is asource of readily available potassium (water soluble and exchangeable potassium).

Filing Date: 01-06-2016

Issue Date: 05-09-2020

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT), Bhubaneswar

Patent No: IN346128

Application No: 201611018805

Inventor(s): Adnan Asad Karim, Manish Kumar, Saroj Kumar Singh, Chitta Ranjan Panda, Barada Kanta Mishra

IPC Classification: C05F 11/00

Country: India

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