
IN346319: An electrolyte composition and a process for the preparation thereof

The invention discloses an electrolyte composition and a process for the preparation thereof wherein said process being a process of in-situ polymer generation inside the micro/nanopores of carbon for improved interface. The invention provides a composition comprising two monomers in the ratio 2:1 (HEMA:TMPA), 1:2 (HEMA:TMPA), 1:1 (HEMA:TMPA) and 2:1 (TMPA:HEMA) along with a photo initiator, a cross linker and an electrolyte such that the ingredients are compatible with each other. Total ratio of composition can vary from 1:X:0.05:0.001 which is in the order of monomers, electrolyte, cross-linker and photoinitiator, where X can vary from 0.3 to 0.75. The best performance of supercapacitor device, when the strategy of in-situ polymer generation on electrode surface is adopted is obtained for the particular composition where the total ratio of composition is 1:0.625:0.05:0.001, which is in the order of monomers, electrolyte, cross-linker and photo-initiator.

Filing Date: 04-08-2015

Issue Date: 08-09-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN346319

Application No: 2380DEL2015

Inventor(s): Sreekumar Kurungot, Manohar Virupax Badiger, Bihag Anothumakkool, Arun Torris, Vidyanand Vijayakumar

IPC Classification: C08F2/00

Country: India

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