
IN347184: A prcoess for increasing carbon dioxide concentration in flue gas

The invention Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Flue Gas relates to a process through which Carbon dioxide concentration  in exit flue gas can be increased in a pulverized Coal combustion power plant The invention specifically relates to a process which can  be retrofitted in existing pulverized coal combustion with controlled recirculation of hot and cold flue gas, coming out of the  combustion chamber of pulverized coal fired pilot test rig back to the combustion chamber to meet the requirement of oxy fuel coal  combustion: c his invention finds its usage in increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in exit flue gas so as to, post combustion  capture of carbon dioxide may be made more feasible to reduce GHG emission from Pulverized fuel fired power stations. In the  present application, pulverized coal power plant the concentration of C02 in the flue gas is 14% (maximum). Separation of any  component from any stream having 14% only is not.efficient and cost is more. If the concentration of C02 is increased to 60% the  separation of C02 from flue gas is efficient and cost is reduced .

Filing Date: 28-01-2015

Issue Date: 20-09-2020

Applicant: CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research (CSIR-CIMFR), Dhanbad

Patent No: IN347184

Application No: 232/DEL/2015

Inventor(s): Ashis Mukherjee; Manish Kumar; Santi Gopal Sahu; Ashis Kumar Adak; Subhasis Biswas

IPC Classification: B01D 53/22

Country: India

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