
IN347514: A one step process for the pelletisation polylactic acid without melt processing

The invention relates to a one step process for the palletization of poly lactic acid of molecular weight in the range of 6-8 lakhs  without melt processing such that the pellets obtained exhibit minimal molecular weight reduction. The molecular weight of poly  lactic acid (PLA) in the obtained pellets is retained in the range of 6-8 lakhs.

Filing Date: 05-06-2015

Issue Date: 23-09-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN347514

Application No: 1668DEL2015

Inventor(s): Ashish Kishore Lele, Abhijit Pravin Shete, Karan Vivek Dikshit

IPC Classification: C08J3/00

Country: India

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