
IN351261: An improved process for the preparation of multicomponent graphite composite bipolar plates for fuel cell

The invention provides a process for the preparation of low-density multicomponent graphite composite bipolar plate for fuel cell applications. The molded plates were fabricated using different particle size of expanded graphite, chopped carbon fiber, carbon nanotubes and thermosetting polymer as binder. The Expanded Graphite (EG), which is vermiform in shape, offers high surface area and therefore good affinity to polymers. The multicomponent graphite composite bipolar plates possess high electrical and mechanical properties.

Filing Date: 31-03-2010

Issue Date: 10-11-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi

Patent No: IN351261

Application No: 0766DEL2010

Inventor(s): Mathur Rakesh Behari, Dhakate Sanjay Rangnath, Sharma Shaveta, Dhami Tarsem Lal

IPC Classification: G01N

Country: India

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