
IN351541: A process for the production of low-sulfur fuel oil

A process for the production of low Sulfur residual fuel oil (Sulfur content less than 1 weight %) from complex heavy end residues of petroleum hydrocarbons such as vacuum residue (VR) containing Sulfur compound around 5 weight % through oxidation of the stream and separating the oil phase from oxidized phase and finally desulfurized stream using low boiling paraffinic solvent and polar selective solvents such as aqueous NMP, Furfural and Di-methyl formamide (DMF).

Filing Date: 16-09-2015

Issue Date: 13-11-2020

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR–IIP), Dehradun

Patent No: IN351541

Application No: 2903DEL2015

Inventor(s): Nautiyal Bhagat Ram, Sudhir Nisha, Yadav Pooja, Sunil Kumar, Nanoti Shrikant Madhusudan, Garg Madhukar Onkarnath, Soliappan Darmalingam, Vaidhyanathan Selvavathi, Arunachalam Meenakshisundaram

IPC Classification: C07D 307/00

Country: India

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