
IN353181: Temperature tunable mesoporous gold deposited co oxidation catalyst

The invention discloses a novel mesoporous gold deposited oxidation catalyst of formula: XAu- M0.lCeo.85Zr0.05O2 wherein  X = 0.01-l0%, M is selected from Cu, Co or Mn and process for the preparation thereof by photodeposition method.

Filing Date: 01-11-2013

Issue Date: 07-12-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN353181

Application No: 3238/DEL/2013

Inventor(s): Chinnakonda Subramanian Gopinath; Edwin Solomon Raja Gnanakumar

IPC Classification: H01G

Country: India

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