
IN353757: A process for production of low sulfur fuel oil

A process for production of low ulfur residual fuel oil (sulfur content less than 2 weight %) from complex heavy end residues of  petroleum hydrocarbons such as vacuum residue (VR) containing Sulfur compound around 5 weight % through dilution of the stream  with light paraffinic solvent and extracting the sulfur compounds from oil phase and finally desulfurized stream using a polar selective  solvent such as aqueous NMP, Furfural and Di-methyl formamide (DMF).

Filing Date: 16-09-2015

Issue Date: 16-12-2020

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR–IIP), Dehradun

Patent No: IN353757

Application No: 2902DEL2015

Inventor(s): Nautiyal Bhagat Ram, Sudhir Nisha, Yadav Pooja, Sunil Kumar, Nanoti Shrikant Madhusudan, Garg Madhukar Onkarnath, Soliappan Darmalingam, Vaidhyanathan Selvavathi, Arunachalam Meenakshisundaram

IPC Classification: C07D 307/00

Country: India

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