
IN354628: A single pot biomimetic process for the synthesis of colloidal collagen-graphite composite

The invention provides a biomimetic process in which colloidal collagen-graphite composites can be synthesized in a single step at ambient conditions. The process has several advantages; the composites are biocompatible, no toxic gases or by-products are produced and is water dispersible. The composites belong to a class of advanced functional materials which can be functionalized further very easily and which will be instrumental in fabricating composites with multifunctional use for both biomedical and engineering applications.

Filing Date: 09-12-2013

Issue Date: 29-12-2020

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur

Patent No: IN354628

Application No: 3566/DEL/2013

Inventor(s): Nayar Suprabha; Bhattacharya Soumya

IPC Classification: A61L

Country: India

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