
IN356553: A nucleotide sequence encoding enone oxidoreductase from mango

The invention disclosed herein the primers for amplifying enone oxidoreductase, having sequence selected from the group consisting of Seq. ID No. 1 to 13, from mango. Also disclosed herein is a novel nucleotide sequence of Sequence ID No. 14 encoding said amplified enone oxidoreductase, for enzyme production in an artificial system thus generating the desired flavor in food products

Filing Date: 03-02-2012

Issue Date: 23-01-2021

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN356553

Application No: 0304DEL2012

Inventor(s): Vidya Shrikant Gupta, Ram Shridhar Kulkarni, Ashok Prabhakar Giri, Keshav H Pujari

Country: Argentina

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