
IN357675: A process for lubrication of hide/skin by ultrasound

Conventionally, degreasing process leads to discharge of ‘valuable natural fatty materials un-utilized as waste in to spent liquor as well as increase the pollution load of the effluent liquors. Whereas, there is a need for fatty materials input for leather fibre lubrication in processing. In this regard, the invention relates to the utilization of natural fatty material available in skin/hide/leather matrix itself through suitable process for beneficial effects in leather ‘processing. At present, there is no available process in leather processing which would effect in-situ emulsification and subsequent distribution of natural fat available in skin/hide/leather. The novelty of the invention lies in treating the natural fat containing skin/hide/leather substrate in an aqueous/solvent medium, emulsifying and fixing the natural fat inside the matrix /n-s/tu with suitable emulsifiers facilitated by the use of ultrasound. This novel process is expected to bring about lubrication in the matrix.

Filing Date: 31-10-2014

Issue Date: 03-02-2021

Applicant: Venkatasubramanian Sivakumar, Chellappa Muralidharan

Patent No: IN357675

Application No: 3128DEL2014

Country: India

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