
IN358294: A Giant Magneto-Impedance (GMI) based magnetic sensing device for non-destructive evaluation applications

The invention particularly relates to the development of GMI based device useful for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of in-service structures or components. More specifically the present invention relates to the development of a magnetic sensor device using the Giant Magneto-Impedance (GMI) properties of nanostructure ferromagnetic wire shaped materials to monitor the structural health of steel structures or components which are in-service and intended to use for an extended period during which various damages can be developed such as residual stress, fatigue, creep or the formation of magnetic phase in non-magnetic steel in non-destructive way. In addition to its primary purpose of stated health monitoring of structural steel, the GMI-based NDE device also possess the advantage of determining spinning motion of non-ferrous body or using as a security sensor and proximity sensor.

Filing Date: 09-03-2011

Issue Date: 10-02-2021

Applicant: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur

Patent No: IN358294

Application No: 0651DEL2011

Inventor(s): Partha Sarkar, Ashis Kumar Panda, Sital Kumar Pal, Rajat Kumar Roy, Amitava Mitra

Country: India

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