
IN370555: A process for the synthesis of cupt alloy with mixed dispersion on nitrogen doped graphene

The invention discloses a simple and fast surfactant-modified process for the synthesis of highly active and stable Cu-Pt alloy with trigonal bipyramidal and truncated cube (CuPt-TB-TC) like mixed structure dispersed on the N-doped graphenesurface. Further, it provides CuPt-TB-TC structures with outstanding ORR activity in alkaline conditions.

Filing Date: 11-07-2016

Issue Date: 29-06-2021

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN370555

Application No: 201611023586

Inventor(s): Sreekumar Kurungot, Rajith Illathvalappil, Vishal Mahesh Dhavale

IPC Classification: C01B 31/04

Country: India

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