
IN374290: An improved process for the synthesis of ivacaftor

The disclosed an improved process for the synthesis of ivacaftor starting from indole acetic acid ester which can be performed in batch as well as continuous flow synthesis. The invention further disclosed to a continuous process for the synthesis of compound of formula (II) or formula (III) from compound of formula (I) in continuous flow reactor.

Filing Date: 30-05-2016

Issue Date: 13-08-2021

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: IN374290

Application No: 201611018491

Inventor(s): Dumbala Srinivasa Reddy; Amol Arvind Kulkarni; Vasudevan Natarajan; Mrityunjay Keshavprasad Sharma

IPC Classification: A61K 31/00

Country: India

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