
IN375092: A one step process for the preparation of a hybrid nanocomposite of folic acid conjugated cds quantum dots and iron oxide nanoparticles

The invention provides folic acid conjugated hybrid nanocomposite material of CdS quantum dots and iron oxide nanoparticles and a process for the preparation thereof. The iron oxide nanoparticles are conjugated to the CdS quantum dots followed by their coupling to folic acid by a simple one step reaction so as to result into a composite QDIOFA useful for both fluorescence and MRI imaging

Filing Date: 17-06-2014

Issue Date: 27-08-2021

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT), Palampur

Patent No: IN375092

Application No: 1629DEL2014

Inventor(s): Amitabha Acharya

IPC Classification: A61K 47/30

Country: India

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