
IN376752: A method for the isolation of vanillin from rice straw

The invention relates to a process for the isolation of Vanillin (4-hydroxy- 3-methoxy benzaldehyde) by a convenient process (extraction with organic solvent) of pretreated cellulose from rice straw, a renewable agricultural waste. This invention relates to the extraction of vanillin using organic solvents (reusable) in a very cheap and convenient way from a renewable agriculture resource, rice straw.

Filing Date: 08-07-2014

Issue Date: 10-09-2021

Applicant: CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR-NEIST), Jorhat

Patent No: IN376752

Application No: 1879DEL2014

Inventor(s): Archana Moni Das, Abdul Aziz Ali, Dilip Konwar, Tarun Chandra Bora, Manash Protim Hazarika

IPC Classification: C07C 47/58

Country: India

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