
IN376754: A process for the rehydration of crust leather

The invention provides an enzymatic process for the rehydration of crust leathers using eco-benign enzymatic products while eliminating the formation of harmful substances in leather. The process ensures a reduction of rehydration duration to the extent of 25 to 70 %, thereby resulting in an increase in productivity. It is envisaged to have wide applications in the leather processing industry as an eco-friendly and effective option for further wet processing of crust leather in an aqueous medium, especially for the purpose of dyeing dried crust.

Filing Date: 19-03-2014

Issue Date: 10-09-2021

Applicant: CSIR–Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR–CLRI), Chennai

Patent No: IN376754

Application No: 0796DEL2014

Inventor(s): Victor John Sundar, Chellappa Muralidharan

IPC Classification: C14C3/28

Country: India

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