
IN377580: A process for the preparation of bioactive sub-fraction from flowers of Simarouba glauca active against filariasis

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of bioactive sub-fraction from herbal extracts of Simarouba species - novel anti-filarial extracts of Simarouba glauca flowers. The invention more particularly relates to novel extract of flowers of Simarouba glauca plant belonging to Simaroubaceae family. The Simarouba glauca flowers were isolated, dried and pulverized to obtain an active extract, fractionating the extract into eight different fractions using chloroform, methanol and water either singly or in combination in different concentrations, testing the crude extracts and fractions in-vitro & in-vivo against Brugia malayi for anti-filarial activities.

Filing Date: 31-03-2010

Issue Date: 24-09-2021

Applicant: CSIR – Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI), Bhavnagar

Patent No: IN377580

Application No: 0774DEL2010

Inventor(s): Bhupendra Dhanvantrai Shethia, Meena Rajnikant Rathod, Jayant Batukrai Pandya, Prakash Jagjivanbhai Dodiya, Puvvada Kalpana Murthy, Saurabh Dixit, Rajiv Lochan Gaur, Viplap Kumar Bose

IPC Classification: G01N

Country: India

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