
IN378228: A process for detection of fluoride level in an aqueous specimen with distinct colorimetric change

The invention provides a process which utilizes a Schiff base Organic Compound (SOC) for selective detection of level of fluoride ion from aqueous medium by an easy-instant-economlc controlled prototype sachet. In comparison with the available existing processes for detecting fluoride level using costly and corrosive sensor module, the currently developed chemosensor is economic, easy to synthesize and non corrosive in nature too. This chemosensor can detect the safe or unsafe level of fluoride ion in aqueous system just with bare eye with visible colorimetric changes. Sophisticated analytical characterizations like FT-IR, UV-VIs and ESI-MS have been performed to authenticate the formation of the present chemosensor. Further an economic prototype sachet has been designed for analyzing the fluoride contamination in water samples of interest.

Filing Date: 27-10-2017

Issue Date: 08-10-2021

Applicant: Priyabrata Banerjee, Pritam Ghosh, Suparna Paul, Asit Kumar Batabyal, Naresh Chandra Murmu

Patent No: IN378228

Application No: 201711038188

IPC Classification: C09C 1/642

Country: India

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