
IN378643: An improved process for production of hydrazine hydrate

An improved process for the production of concentrated aqueous solutions of hydrazine hydrate by ketazine method is described. In  particular, it describes preparation of hydrazine hydrate by ketazine method using 50-70% hydrogen peroxide, recyclable solid acetamide and ammonium acetate activator for ketazine formation and catalyst free hydrolysis of ketazine to give aqueous solutions of hydrazine hydrate in energy efficient manner.

Filing Date: 03-10-2016

Issue Date: 08-10-2021

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad

Patent No: IN378643

Application No: 201611033667

Inventor(s): Mamidpelliwar Pradeep Kumar; Kajjam Ravindranath; Madabhushi Radhakrishna; Ugle Ashutosh; Shobha Rajendra Pathak; Garikapati Vijaya Murthy; Thyagarajan Srinivasan; Gannoji Veeraiah; Mamilla Shyam Sunder; Vanka Uma Maheshwara Sarma; Yellamraju Parthasaradhy; Sunil Sinha; Manish Babulal Shah; Nikhil Kumar Navinchandra Shah; Shailesh Ashabhai Patel; Gautam Punjabhai Patel

IPC Classification: C01B 21/16

Country: India

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