
IN382708: An improved process for the preparation of building boards and panels from plywood/ veneer industry waste

The invention provides an improved process for the preparation of building boards and panels using mechanically disintegrated plywood/ veneer industry waste wood particles without using any external synthetic resin. The building boards and panels prepared by the process of the present invention are useful for partitioning, paneling and false ceiling in buildings and obviates the drawbacks of available materials for these purposes, such as higher cost, lower aesthetics, non-waste utilization, non-renewable, toxic synthetic petroleum-based resins, and poor properties.

Filing Date: 31-12-2010

Issue Date: 03-12-2021

Applicant: CSIR-Central Building Research Institute (CSIR-CBRI), Roorkee

Patent No: IN382708

Application No: 3178DEL2010

Inventor(s): Subodh Prakash Agrawal, Rajni Lakhani

IPC Classification: B28B

Country: India

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