
JP6138938: A process for production of benzene lean gasoline by recovery of high purity benzene from unprocessed cracked gasoline fraction containing organic peroxides

Filing Date: 06-02-2015

Issue Date: 12-05-2017

Applicant: CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum (CSIR–IIP), Dehradun

Patent No: JP6138938

Application No: 2015-526010

Inventor(s): Garg Madhukar Onkarnath, Nanoti Shrikant Madhusudan, Nautiyal Bhagat Ram, Sunil Kumar, Ghosh Prasenjit, Nisha, Yadav Pooja, Jagdish Kumar, Tiwari Manish, Rao Meka Raja Gopala, Murthy Nagarathinam Shenbaga

Country: Japan

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