
KE324: A field convenient jacketed leaf inactivator for green tea processing

A field convenient jacketed leaf inactivator for green tea processing, comprising: a) a treatment tank (1) having a removably fixed external jacket (2), charactersied in that, the said jacket(2) being provided with means (3 inlet ,outlet 4) for thermic fluid, b) the said treatment tank being provided with removably fixable means (5, 6) for charging (5) and discharging (6) of the shoot material, c) a shaft (7) having impellers (9) and material collecting bowls/blades (10) and connected at the center of the said treatment tank, and d) a heating device (13) placed below the said external jacket to heat the thermic fluids.

Filing Date: 29-09-2006

Issue Date: 30-06-2009

Applicant: CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR-IHBT), Palampur

Patent No: KE324

Application No: KE/P/2006/000511

Inventor(s): Garikapati Dyva Kiran Babu, Ravindranath Srigiripuram Desikachar

Country: Kenya

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