
Novel nitrile glycoside useful as a bio-enhancer of drugs and nutrients

The present invention relates to a novel nitrile glycoside of Formula I named NIAZIRIDIN and to analogues and derivatives thereof.The present invention also relates to a process for the isolation of a novel nitrile glycoside of Formula I below named NIAZIRIDIN and its derivatives and analogues by bioactivity-guided fractionation from the pods of Moringa oleifera.The present invention particularly relates to the bioenhancing activity of the novel nitrile glycoside of Formula I below named NIAZIRIDIN and its derivatives and analogues in enhancing bioactivity of commonly used antibiotics such as rifampicin, tetracycline and ampicillin against Gram (+) and (-) bacteria. The biomolecule also enhances the absorption of drugs, vitamins and nutrients through the gastro-intestinal membrane increasing their bioavailability.Therefore niaziridin can be used in combination therapy with drugs and nutrients resulting in reduced drug associated toxicity, reduced cost and duration of chemotherapy.

Filing Date: 26-07-2005

Issue Date: 10-07-2009

Patent No: IN234974 [India]

Application No: 3320/DELNP/2005

Inventor(s): Khanuja Suman Preet Singh; Arya Jai Shanker; Kumar Triuppadiripuliyur Ranganathan Santha; Saikia Dharmendra; Kaur Harpreet; Singh Monika; Gupta Subhash Chandra; Shasany Ajit Kumar; Darokar Mahendra Pandurang; Srivastava Santosh Kumar

Licensing Option: Laboratory willing to jointly develop technology with industrial partner.

Implementing institute: CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants [CSIR-CIMAP]

Funding agency: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

IPC Classification: C07H 15/00

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