
US10017583: Synthesis of nanostructured carboxycelluloses from non-wood cellulose

An improved process for the preparation of nanostructured oxidized/carboxy cellulose with high carboxy content and high yield, by subjecting non-wood, lignocellulose, sugarcane bagasse derived a-cellulose or cotton cellulose to oxidation at suitable temperature, wherein the particle shape is spherical, particle size ofsynthesized carboxy cellulose is in the range of 1-100 nm and Degree of Polymerization (DP) is in the range 50-70. Further the invention provides pharmaceutical composition comprising of nanostructuredoxidized/carboxy celluloses preferably 6-carboxy cellulose, and 2,3,6-tricarboxycellulose alone or in association with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carrier(s) or excipient(s) for treatment of microbial infections. The carboxycelluloses were efficient in stabilizing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and single-walled carbon nanotubes in aqueous media.

Filing Date: 03-12-2015

Issue Date: 10-07-2018

Applicant: CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune

Patent No: US10017583

Application No: 14/895590

Inventor(s): Anjanikumar Jyotiprasad Varma; Priyanka Radheyshyam Sharma

IPC Classification: C08B 11/12 20060101, A61K 31/717 20060101

Country: United States of America

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