a. Environmental Biotechnology Programme
The focus of the Environmental Biotechnology programme of DBT is to support research and development (R&D) programme in the areas relevant to waste management & environmental improvement and development & demonstration of wastewater-specific effective bioremediation options like natural attenuation to bio-stimulation, bio-augmentation or a combination of filtration, phytoremediation and microbial degradation, bio-restoration technologies for restoration of degraded ecosystems.
The project proposals are being accepted round the year. Researchers can submit the project proposal in these priority areas through DBT online project Management System (eProMis) without waiting for a specific call for proposals.
For more details: Environmental Biotechnology | India Science, Technology & Innovation (indiascienceandtechnology.gov.in)
b. Energy Science & Waste to Value
The Department of Biotechnology has been promoting R&D for biofuel technology development, recognizing the need for clean and renewable energy for transportation. The Government of India has recently in June 2018 announced a new policy on Biofuels and an indicative target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol and 5% blending of biodiesel in diesel is proposed by 2030. Department has taken significant efforts in this direction with a major focus on 2nd generation biofuels. A platform created to connect more than 200 Scientists working in the Biofuel area.
The Energy Bioscience Division has been promoting cutting-edge research in Biofuel areas through the Centre of Excellence, extramural projects, fellowship schemes and international co-operation. Capabilities developed in Systems and Synthetic Biology with demonstrated laboratory work. International cooperation in Biofuel is strengthened through Mission Innovation and Biofuture Platform.
For more details: Energy Science & Waste to value | Department of Biotechnology (dbtindia.gov.in)
c. Forest Biotechnology Programme
Considering the multidimensional importance of forest areas, the Department of Biotechnology initiated this programme in the Financial Year 2018-2019 with the aim to supporting Research and Development (R&D) in the area of Forest Biotechnology. Efforts have been made by the Department through specific calls for research proposals to encourage R&D programs in emerging areas of Forest Biotechnology aiming at conservation of forests; promoting sustainable use of bioresources, such as medicinal plants, tree-borne oil seeds, resin and wax yielding plants; developing tools for mitigation and adaptation of climate change impacts; and enhancing carbon sequestration by the forest vegetation using state-of-the-art biotechnological approaches.
For more details: Forest Biotechnology | Department of Biotechnology (dbtindia.gov.in)
d. Marine, Microbial Resource, Secondary Agriculture and Food Processing Programme
DBT initiated the programme with the overall aim to support R&D projects in all the related areas of bioresources and secondary agriculture biomass biotransformation, bioresource systems analysis, and technologies associated with conversion or production of value added products and processes from natural resources. Researchers can submit the project proposal in these priority areas through DBT online project Management System (e-ProMis) without waiting for a specific call for proposal.
For more Details: http://dbtindia.gov.in/schemes-programmes/research-development/energy-environment-and-bio-resource-based-applications-3
e. Marine Bioresource programme and Blue Economy
DBT has taken initiatives to establish a state-of-the-art “Virtual Centre of Excellence for Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnological Interventions” for exploring ocean resources towards their sustainable use for economic growth, improved livelihoods and employment generation in the country. The main goal of the proposed Centre will be to rapidly escalate India’s research capabilities in modern marine biology and biotechnology so as to capitalise on our vast marine biodiversity in a sustainable manner. It will be dedicated to fundamental and applied marine biological research and will also provide an interface between research and commercialization of technologies through incubator facilities for start-up companies. In order to achieve these goals rapidly and effectively, the Centre will actively network and collaborate with leading MoES and CSIR institutes working in this area and international agencies with complementary expertise.
For more Details: http://dbtindia.gov.in/schemes-programmes/research-development/energy-environment-and-bio-resource-based-applications-2
f. DBT - Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships
DBT “Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships” is a flagship scheme of the Department for bringing back the scientists of Indian origin who are working outside the country in the field of energy biosciences. Energy Biosciences Chairs are for the senior scientists who are desirous of pursuing, complementing and enhancing quality of R&D in energy related biosciences in Indian institutions. Currently, four overseas Fellows and two Chairs have been working at various host institutions. Several processes in different areas of biofuels, enzymes, and bioenergy at various Indian institutions are being developed by Fellows enriching the R&D in the bioenergy field. This programme is coordinated by DBT-ICT Centre for Energy Bioscience, Mumbai.
For more details: http://dbtindia.gov.in/schemes-programmes/building-capacities/international-fellowships/dbt-energy-biosciences-overseas