Earthquake Warning System: Deployed in Delhi, the EqWS helps Metro Stop Services during Tremor
An Earthquake Warning System (EqWS) has been developed by CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIR-CSIO), Chandigarh which is being used by the Delhi Metro. The CSIR-CSIO has installed five sensors across different locations of Metro at Mundka, Botanical Garden, Huda City Centre, Metro Bhawan and Faridabad, comprising seismic warning systems with LAN connectivity with the DMRC network for generation of alarm signal on major earthquake. It is in operation since August 2015.
During early April 2016, the EqWS helped stop the Metro services after the tremors hit the national capital. The system sensed and recorded the event and generated SMS to the concerned action points, in real time. The system can also be potentially used at nuclear reactor sites and the activity could be stopped in case of an earthquake.