S&T Awards*

Dr. J N Karande Oration Award

Category Name: Medical Sciences

Foundation Year of Award: 1981

Award Features: Cash Prize(l) Rs. 1000

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: As decided by the Scientific Committee in consultation with the Managing Council D.A.I.

Objective: The oration is established to encourage Research on Diabetes Mellitus in general and diabetes in women and juvenile diabetes and diabetes education at all levels

Criteria: 1. The award will be bestowed on the basis of consideration of Researh paper published during the last two years. The unpublished but completed work including that submitted or accepted for publication will also be considered. 2. The oration should be first published in the "Journal of Diabetic Association of India' if it is not on the basis of published work. 3. The application should be submitted through proper channel. 4. The applicant should below the specified age to 40 years. 5. The members of the Selection Committee for the award shall not be considered eligible for the award.

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021