S&T Awards*

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award

Category Name: Agriculture

Foundation Year of Award: 1975

Award Features: Cash Prize(l) Rs. 5000

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: March

Objective: To encourage authors in India to write original books in Hindi on the subject of scientific agriculture including animal sciences and fisheries.

Criteria: The award is open to Indian authors including editors of multi-author books where the editor has himself contributed substantially together with an editorial preface. Both published works and manuscripts proposed to be published by its author will be accepted provided that such a work is written originally and does not infringe the copyright of any other person, the author shall be judged on the basis of the original work done by them as revealed in the books/manuscripts submitted by them during the past one year preceding the year of award.

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021