S&T Awards*

FICCI Award for Environmental Science

Category Name: Environment

Foundation Year of Award: 1967

Award Features: Cash Prize Rs. 50000

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: Early February

Objective: To promote individual corporate and institutional initiative in economic social and scientific areas.

Criteria: An Indian national or a foreigner residing in India. Any proprietary concern partnership firm a company registered under the Indian Companies Act or a foreign company engaged in business in India. Chambers of Commerce and like organisations universities research bodies national laboratories and other institutions and organisations engaged in research in the public or private sector. (1) Awards will be made only if in the opinion of the jury recognition is due. (2) In deserving cases when the jury so decides under the same head more than one awards will not be given to the same subject before the expiry of 3 years. (4) the jury will decide whether a case award winner be invited to deliver a prepared address on the subject for which the award has been made in 1 or more centers in India for which travel and other expenses will be met by FICCI. (5) the Committee of the Federation may from time to time revise or amplify the criteria of awards. (6) the nominations made for a year will be valid for the next following year. Only supplementary information if any may be furnished for the second year. In addition to the information given in the general guidelines the following may be highlighted: in the case of industrial units the nature of the products manufactured nature of pollutants released their extent steps taken by the unit to remedy the situation result thereof whether any study has been carried out about harmful effects of the industrials effluents and how successful the unit has been in controlling the same and preserving environment. In the case of institutions the information should be submitted about the type of industries studies their problem areas R & D effort initiated by the institutions for controlling pollution in the type of industries studied how the successful institution programme has been in providing a clean environment to the inhabitants in the areas surrounding those industries what educational programmes have been instituted in the industrial units to take care of environmental pollution problem and enlisting their support in initiating environment preservation programme. If the programmes of industrial unit/ institution have already been recognised give details thereof.

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021