S&T Awards*

IMC Diamond Jubilee Award

Category Name: Management

Foundation Year of Award: 1969

Award Features: Citation Silver Plaque

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: One month

Objective: The objective of the IMC Diamond Jubilee Endowment Trust are to establish institute and to grant awards shields medals certificates of merit and/or other forms of recognition to individuals companies firms associations and other organizations engaged in the promotion and development of industries trade commerce and/or any other activity conductive to the betterment of the society and more particularly serving the interest of the economy of India for distinguished work.

Criteria: The awards are open to any individuals company firm association or other organization engaged in the promotion and development of industry trade commerce and/or any other activity conducive to the betterment of society and more particularly serving the interest of the economy of India. Only work accomplishments or performances achieved within 5 years immediately preceding the granting of the award shall be considered. The trustee may in their absolute discretion consider older work achievements accomplishments or performances if their significance has not till recently become apparent.

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021