S&T Awards*

ISAE Professional Awards

Category Name: Agriculture

Foundation Year of Award: 1960

Award Features: Medal

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: At the time of Convention.

Objective: To recognise the outstanding contributions of its members in any field of agricultural engineers as also in the fulfillment of ISAE's.

Criteria: i) Awards will be made only if in the opinion of the awards committee (i) Awards will be made only if in the opinion of the awards committee recognition is due. (ii) In deserving cases when the committee so decides under the same head more than one award can be given (iii) Awards will not be the awarded for the same subject before the expiry of 3 years (iv) The decision of the committee is final and no appeal will be entertained (v) The Execuitive Committee of ISAE may from time to time revise or modify the criteria for awards. The nomination for awards at Sl.No. 123 shall be sent with complete bio-data in the prescribed nomination from alongwith complete details of the work done by him through proper channel (to be forwarded by the Head of the Institution/Organization/Department). For professional activities the nominations need not be forwarded through the Head of the organization. Nomination for award at SI. No. 4 may be sent directly with full details of the member of new members entrolled and may be deposited at the ISAE Headquarters.

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021