S&T Awards*

Jamnalal Bajaj Award for Application of Science and Technology for Rural Development

Category Name: Applied Sciences

Foundation Year of Award: 1978

Award Features: Cash Prize Rs. 200000

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: July/August - A press conference is held for the purpose.

Objective: In what way and to what extent: (i) the work done has helped the weaker sections of society including landless labour migrant labour slum dwellers etc. (Antyodaya); (ii) it has promoted increased productivity without displacing labour; (iii) it has led to fuller employment; (iv) it has brought about more equitable distribution and social equality; (v) it has motivated people towards self help and self-reliance; (vi) it has provided training facilities for workers

Criteria: (i) Individuals and institutions would qualify for the award on the basis of their contribution in any one of the mentioned fields are not necessarily for them to have worked in all the areas specified.(ii) In assessing the merits of the institutions individuals for these awards the overall impact of their contribution and the benefits accruing from them to the people shall be taken into consideration.

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021