National Women Bioscientist Award(Senior category)
Category Name: Biological Sciences
Foundation Year of Award: 1999
Award Features: Cash prize 200000 plaque & research grant of 1500000
Award Periodicity: Annual
Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)
Objective: To recognize outstanding contributions of young scientists below 45 years of age in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology including agricultural biomedical and environmental sciences with potential for application/product and technology development and to provide grant for research for their career development
Criteria: Any Citizen of India who is engaged in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology in the country. ii) He/she should have made significant and outstanding contribution in the areas of biosciences/biotechnology during last 5 years and the work must have been done entirely in India. The work for which nomination is made must have been carried out in India. iii) He/she should submit a research project for advancement of his/her work in India for a period of next 3 years. iv) He/ she should be below the age of 45 years as on 31st December of the year of award.
International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National
* Under Revision | Updated till 2021