S&T Awards*

Outstanding Extension Scientist/Worker Awards

Category Name: Agriculture

Foundation Year of Award: 1995

Award Features: Cash Prize Rs. 25000Citation

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M)

Announcement Time: November/December of the year of the award.

Objective: To provide recognition to outstanding agricultural extension education work done by agricultural scientists in the ICAR-SAU system. To provide incentive for excellence in agricultural extension education work. To promote outstanding extension education work in priority areas of agricultural production systems.

Criteria: All agricultural and allied scientists engaged in extension education work in the ICAR-SAU system are eligible. Scientists and other functionaries working at equivalent levels of responsibility in the ICAR-assisted programmes outside the ICAR-SAU system are also eligible. The terminal stages of the extension education work submitted for the award including its impact assessment must have been completed during the five years of the award

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021