Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Prizes for Agricultural Research
Category Name: Agriculture
Foundation Year of Award: 1977
Award Features: Cash Prize(l) Rs. 100000,Citation
Award Periodicity: Biennial
Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)
Announcement Time: November/December of the year of the award.
Objective: To give incentive to research workers in India in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry and allied sciences.
Criteria: All agricultural scientist, above 40 years of age, engaged in research in agricultural and allied sciences in India are eligible for these award. The research work must be original and must have been conducted under an integrated well-focused research programme/project. Though the award is primarily meant for individual senior scientists, in cases where more than the scientist may have made distinctive, significant and complementary contributions towards the final outcome of the research effort, only one scientist may be included as an associate of the principal scientist.
International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National
* Under Revision | Updated till 2021