S&T Awards*

Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award

Category Name: Health Sciences

Foundation Year of Award: 1991

Award Features: Commendation Certificate Gold Medal Silver Medal

Award Periodicity: Annual

Award Recipient Category: Institute

Objective: The award is intended to generate interest and involvement of Indian Industry in quality programmes drive our products and services to higher levels of quality and equip our industry to meet the challenges of domestic and international markets

Criteria: An organization is eligible to compete for the award if it satisfies all the following conditions : a) Applicants organization is located in India b) Applicant organization is situated at one place or a unit of an organization housed at one location c) Applicant organization has not been convicted by any court for deficiency in product or service and/or found guilty of financial irregularities by any regulatory authority or court for last three years. An undertaking to this effect will have to submitted d) Applicant organization is not manufacturing products like tocacco and liquor etc. which are injurious to health. Further if an applicant organization has earlier received an award it is not eligible to apply for an award for a period of three years after being awarded. However this condition will not apply to those applicant organizations which have received

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021