S&T Awards*

Vasantrao Naik Award

Category Name: Agriculture

Foundation Year of Award: 1994

Award Features: Cash Prize Rs. 100000

Award Periodicity: Biennial

Award Recipient Category: Individual(M/F)

Announcement Time: November/December of the year of the award.

Objective: To provide recognition to outstanding research and applications leading to improvement of dry land farming systems. To provide incentives for outstanding research applications in dry land farming system. To promote outstanding research and application in priority aspects of dry land farming system.

Criteria: All agricultural and allied scientists engaged in research/technology application work in the four subject areas of dry land farming in India are eligible for the award. The research /technology applications work submitted for the award must have been undertaken under a well-designed research/application project with well-defined goals and milestones. The final phase of the work including its field validation and impact assessment must have been completed during the five years preceding the year of the award. The research /application work must have made a significant scientific technological developmental contribution to the improvement of dry land farming systems. The award is open to individuals as well as small inter-disciplinary teams of scientists

International:(Country/ Brain Gain): National

* Under Revision | Updated till 2021