Fellowships & Scholarships
IACBGF is an initiative of the Govt. of India through DBT with kind support from the Australian Government through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, and Research. Under this scheme, Govt. of India would fund researchers from India and provide travel support to undertake a collaborative research project at a leading science Institute or University in Australia for a period of 3 to 9 months, commencing in 2017-18.
This Program is open to applicants based in India who are employed as faculty on full time basis (on permanent or contractual basis, including Ramalingaswami-, Ramanujan-, IYBA- Fellows and INSPIRE Faculty). 10 Fellowships would be awarded each year to those who have identified an opportunity to undertake a high quality, technically feasible and strategically valuable research project with a collaborating organisation in Australia. In the call, priority would be given to projects that are relevant to the concerned thematic areas and topics. The age limit is 35 years.
The fellows are entitled to Monthly Associateship of Rs.1.5 Lakh, Preparatory allowance of Rs. 20,000/- (one time grant) and Return Air fare in economy class (by Air India). The selected candidates may receive payment of salary and continuance of other service benefits by the Indian institutions to which they belong. The Fellows must spend a minimum of 3 months on their project at their nominated international host institution in Australia.